Read more about some of our high quality, innovative and unique projects below.
East Anglia ONE Offshore Wind Farm
East Anglia ONE is a £2.5bn offshore windfarm developed by Scottish Power Renewables off the coast of Suffolk. The complex project was designed to power over 500,000 homes across the region with clean, renewable energy, and consists of 102 wind turbines, generating a total of 715 megawatts. The windfarm is fully operational and started to produce clean, renewable energy in 2019.
HDD Galloper Offshore Wind Farm
Alstom is involved in constructing a new offshore wind farm located 27km off the Suffolk Coast. The offshore wind farm will be known as the Galloper Wind Farm (GWF) which will be an extension of the existing and fully operational Greater Gabbard Wind Farm. The GWF will consist of up to 56 wind turbines with a potential to generate clean home grown energy for 1000s of UK homes.
Heronbridge Pipeline Duplication Scheme
In order to maintain their supply of raw water to Sutton Hall Water Treatment Works, United Utilities (UU) required LiMA, (a Laing O'Rourke, Imtech and Atkins) AMP6 partnership to install an 800mm polyethylene (PE) pipe under the A483, which is one of the busiest roads leading in to Chester city center.
HDDs Burbo Bank Windfarm Extension
Dong Energy is currently engaged in construction work to expand the Burbo Bank wind farm in Liverpool Bay. The VolkerInfra/VBMS joint venture was commissioned to carry out the work for landfall of the export cable from the wind farm extension. Visser & Smit Hanab was subcontracted to perform the two required horizontal directional drillings, using the 250-tonne drilling rig.
Walney 1 Cable Landfall
During 2010, DONG Walney (UK) Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of DONG Energy A/S, has been fabricating and building an offshore windfarm with a capacity of approximately 183 MW. The Walney Offshore Wind Farm is located in the eastern Irish Sea, approximately 15 km west of Walney Island, Cumbria, UK.
Zuidbroek Nitrogen Mixing Plant, Groningen
VolkerTrenchless Solutions was contracted by the Dutch Gas Company, Gasunie, to complete the Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) feed pipeline works as part of the new Nitrogen Combination Mixing Plant (CMZ2) in Zuidbroek, located in the Groningen region of The Netherlands.
Headland Rozenburg
In 2020, Eneco (Dutch Energy Supplier) and the Port of Rotterdam Authority completed the first shore to ship power installation by means of Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD). The project needed to get a power source to vessels as they are moored in the Caland Canal on the outskirts of Rotterdam. VolkerTrenchless Solutions created the 5km cable route, with all the necessary connections, and used the HDD technique to establish ducts which would contain the 25kV cables to the ship mooring bollards.
Reliable electricity delivery for the Randstad
The west of the Netherlands is a major producer as well as importer of electricity. The electricity must be transported with maximum reliability via a reliable power network to and from the rest of the Netherlands and other European countries. The Randstad 380kV connection provides for this and also for a robust transit capacity for the wind farms in the North Sea. In addition, the new 380kV ring connection provides for a reliable power delivery in the Randstad.
Crossing A10 District heating pipes
With the future development of the financial centre in Amsterdam, the Zuidas area, it was necessary to decommission existing cables and pipelines and re-route these. Engineering firm Tebodin, commissioned by Zuidasdoc, has developed alternative routes for these cables and pipes. A section of one of these lines is the underground ‘Oostelijke Kruising’ (Eastern Crossing) of the highway A10. It is located between the Vivaldistraat (southwest corner of the RAI complex) and the Beatrixpark.
Rotterdamse Baan
The number of inhabitants in the Hague is growing and the city invites more and more people and companies to visit and settle. Accessibility plays an important role in this. The ‘Rotterdamsebaan’ is part of this and makes the area more accessible by connecting the highways A4/A13 to the centre of the city. The road consists partly of two parallel drilled tunnels with a diameter of 10 meters.
CO2-Pipe underneath the river “Het Scheur”
In 2018 a new tunnel will be constructed underneath the river “Het Scheur” near Rotterdam: the Blankenburgtunnel. In preparation of this project, some of the existing underground infrastructure needs to be relocated and replaced. One of these existing pipelines transports CO2 from refineries in the Rotterdam harbour to the greenhouses west of the city, the OCAP-pipeline. This pipeline has been replaced by means of Horizontal Directional Drilling.
Landfalls for the Dudgeon Offshore Wind Farm
The Norwegian company Statoil is building a new offshore wind farm off the British coast. It is located not far from the previously built Sheringham Shoal Offshore Wind Farm. The new wind farm is called Dudgeon. VBMS was commissioned by Statoil to install two export cables and 67 array cables.
Mongstad HDD Landfall
Statoil ASA are currently developing a newly discovered oil field in the North Sea. For the transportation of crude oil, a new pipeline is required from here in to the refinery. A critical section of this new pipeline is the landfall at Statoil’s Refinery in Mongstad, Norway. This involves a complex Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) which has been awarded to Visser & Smit Hanab’s (V&SH) Drilling Division in The Netherlands.
HDDs in Spreewitz
Visser & Smit Hanab successfully completed two horizontal directional drillings (HDD) under the River Spree in Spreewitz (Germany). The work comprised of drilling two HDD’s each of 220 metres. This was to facilitate the installation of two HDPE waste water pipes, with diameters of 1,400 mm (56”) and 1,200 mm (48”) respectively.
Connection between Vopak terminals in the Botlek area
Vopak contacted Visser & Smit Hanab with the task laying a subterranean pipeline bundle between Vopak Terminal Botlek (Welplaatweg) and Vopak Terminal TTR (Torontostraat). The project required a bundle of 7 pipes to be installed by means of a 920 metre long horizontal directional drilling (HDD).
Arc-drilling in Strijen
In 2015, PPS (Petrochemical Pipeline Services) undertook a major maintenance project on the Pipeline Rotterdam-Beek (PRB). Visser & Smit Hanab was awarded the contract to carry out repair and replacement work at various locations, for the purpose of which ‘arc-drilling’ was undertaken in Strijen.
Expansion of grid in the Port of Antwerp
The Belgian energy supplier Elia wants to further secure the supply of power in Belgium, particularly in the port area of Antwerp. To achieve this, the current grid needs to be improved. For this project, which is known as the Brabo-project, Visser & Smit Hanab has carried out Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) under the River Scheldt, between Ketenislaan in Beveren and Scheldelaan in Antwerp.
HDDs in Norway
Mira IKS, a consortium in Norway, plans to link up several Norwegian municipalities to a new waste new water treatment plant to be built near the town of Sømersand. As part of this project, the Norwegian contractor has hired Visser & Smit Hanab to conduct four drilling operations at sites in Øya and Hammeren.
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